How to Know Whether Your Air Conditioner Is Low on Refrigerant?

Your home will not remain cool enough with a refrigerant-low air conditioner.  The temperature of your room may rise a little or to a large extent. When your AC fails to cool sufficiently or totally stops functioning, the first thing to confirm is whether you are facing a  refrigerant issue.

What you need to know about an air conditioner that might not have enough refrigerant will be covered in this post. If you call an Air conditioning repair technician, then he may tell you a few signs of low refrigerant that you need to observe.  

  • Uncomfortable feeling while using the AC

If your AC is left with very little refrigerant, then you will notice that despite running nonstop, the it will exert a lot of effort for reaching the set temperature, or it may completely fail to do so. On really hot days, you might typically find that the vents are releasing warm air.

  • Your electric bill is higher than normal

Your electric expenses will often be a little higher in the summer. However, a low refrigerant level will cause your electric expenses to skyrocket.

The cause is that your AC is having trouble reaching the desired temperature, which causes the compressor to operate continuously and drives up your utility expenses.

  • You notice a build-up of ice in your AC

The evaporator coil will become icy due to low refrigerant levels. This could result in the refrigerant line returning cold liquid refrigerant to the outside unit.

Check your outdoor unit to determine if your refrigerant line has any ice forming on it. That may be a warning that your refrigerant levels are low.

  • Hissing or bubbling signs are heard

Refrigerant does not become “used up” as gas does in your car. The only time when there is a refrigerant leak and you run out of refrigerant. When there is a significant refrigerant leak, the escaping refrigerant will hiss or bubble.

  • Water pooling all around the furnace

If your air conditioner has frozen up, it will eventually melt out, and the remaining moisture will begin to leak. If you keep an eye out for any indications of water gathering all around your interior furnace, it may be a clue that there is a refrigerant issue.

  • Short cycling

The term “short cycling” describes an air conditioner that briefly turns on, runs, and then shuts off. It will be challenging for your air conditioner to remove adequate humidity if it is constantly on and off.

Low refrigerant levels might also have effects on your system as a whole. Parts may wear out sooner than they should if your system has been battling low refrigerant for quite some time. 

In a worst-case scenario, it might harm the compressor, which serves as the refrigeration process’s engine. The motor may be harmed as the compressor exerts more force to compress the air. The evaporator coil may completely freeze over if the refrigerant balance is off and you may need a major HVAC repair too.

Douglas Marcus